Erin Linderman

Hi, I'm Erin! 

Follow me on Instagram!

I am a nutrition coach, photographer, former soccer player, world traveler, cat-mom, and food-enthusiast. I got started in the nutrition space when I got frustrated that I was putting in all the effort in the gym but didn't see any results. Realizing the nutrition space is a daunting and noisy space to be, I have put myself through the paces, so you don’t have to. 

I want to help you reach your health and fitness goals through food, mindset, and habits. By the time you are done working with me, I hope you experience a new level of self-compassion, feel a new level of food-freedom that allows you to enjoy your favorite foods guilt-free, and ultimately a new level of happiness with yourself.

 My Motivation, Passion & Coaching Philosophy

Instead of creating a one-size-fits-all rigid nutrition plan, I believe in meeting you where you are at in your life – busy parent, stressed-out professional, workout enthusiast. Together we can focus on adding habits, foods, and exercise that are conducive to your lifestyle and aligns with your goals instead of focusing on restricting foods, telling you what you can’t do, or telling you what you must do.  

I believe that working on small changes make the biggest waves towards long-term success, and I believe that you have it in you to make those changes. I would be honored to help you in your nutrition journey to create long-term success.

You can schedule a consult with me here.